Every organism needs just the right environment to develop and mature. Just as a polliwog needs water and nutrients to grow and transform into an adult frog, the organization of a healthy business needs its life blood–-vibrant people, appealing products, operational capital, market niche,
customers–-to mature and fulfill its life-cycle trajectory.
J.B. Bell Business & Investment Consulting is a trusted adviser offering a spectrum of solutions to business-specific questions and challenges.


Planning is core to successful business capacity building and growth. Whether strategic business or feasibility planning, integrated content marketing and communications planning and branding, employee recruitment, on-boarding, morale and engagement, learning and development, financial projections or supply chain J.B. Bell Business offers insights, tools and resources.
More than that, business owners want traction on what they have so carefully planned. We work with companies to assure that the plans are implemented and not gathering dust in the file cabinet.
Whether assessing business capacity, considering productivity tools, business or employee performance, J.B. Bell Business has a track-record of putting together metrics and surveys to identify trends or issues as well as key indicators for success.
If a business finds employees repeatedly lack direction or clarity or risk financial or legal exposure, maybe J.B. Bell Business has the right resources to resolve the challenge.
Increased consistent branding, messaging, visibility, and expanded opportunities.
Improved executive decision-making and stakeholder awareness with critical information.
Raised funds for government, business investment and NGO programs valued over $25 Million.
Created and guided executives through strategic feasibility and growth plans.